Lodaer Img


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In our Dental FAQ page, we hope to answer all the questions widely asked about dental tourism and dental treatments in Turkey.
For further questions, feel free to contact us. We’ll be happy to answer all your personal questions.

[/bt_bb_text][bt_bb_separator top_spacing=”” bottom_spacing=”normal” border_style=”none” border_width=”” responsive=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_bb_separator][bt_bb_accordion color_scheme=”accent-dark-skin” style=”outline” shape=”round” closed=”” responsive=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”How Much is a Dental Implant in Turkey?”][bt_bb_text]

In implant treatments, we use Straumann dental implants- the global leader of implantology, a Swiss company.

  • Placement of the dental implant(s), including implant abutment and crown, costs between £550 and 1200 for each tooth.
  • Orthodontic treatments like bone augmentation or sinus lifting cost £180 and 350.
  • A complete pack of dental implants costs between £5500 and 10000

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Is Turkey a Good Place for Dental Implants?”][bt_bb_text]

Everything needed for successful implant treatment is available in Turkey.

  • A well-trained dentist (Dental education in Turkey is above European standards, which consists of 5 years of intense training, including 2 years of internships)
  • Dentist’s experience.
  • Top-quality dental materials and a state-of-the-art dental clinic. (There are many modern dental clinics in Turkey that you would find in Europe or America.)

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”How Long do Dental Implants Take in Turkey?”][bt_bb_text]

Two visits to our clinic are usually required for dental implant treatments, with a time interval of three to six months between visits. Our implant treatments usually take 5 days at your 1. Visit.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Why are Implants Cheaper in Turkey?”][bt_bb_text]

Operating a dental clinic with 5 dentists costs between £80,000 – £100,000 per month in UK. The monthly cost of a dental clinic with the same number of dental experts in Turkey is £25,000-£30,000, even if they use the same dental technology and materials. This is the biggest reason for the price differences. In addition, the low tax on health tourism in Turkey is another reason for the decrease in prices.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Are Turkish Dentists Good?”][bt_bb_text]

You can find highly-qualified dentists in Turkey. Turkey’s success in dentistry is not due to dental tourism as in some countries. The success of Turkey in the dental field is due to a long deep history in this field, a quality education culture, and being a successful country not only in dentistry but also in almost all modern health fields.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”How long do Turkish Implants Last?”][bt_bb_text]

Dental implants have various lifetimes depending on the material used. They can efficiently last 25 years on average. Also, if your implants have fractures, cracks, or stains, you can renew them by simply replacing the abutment and crown. In a scientific study on the durability of implants, their survival rates are;

  • 5  years survival rate %95
  • 10 years survival rate %90
  • 16 years survival rate %83

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Where is the Best Country to Get Teeth Implants?”][bt_bb_text]

If you need dental implant treatment, you should choose countries that are specialized in this field. In these countries, you can find both quality service and reasonable prices due to many dental treatments. There are two countries in Europe that we can offer in this regard. The first country is Turkey, and the second is Hungary. For America, this country is Mexico. Asian countries it is Thailand and India.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Which is the Cheapest Country for Dental Implants?”][bt_bb_text]

It is more important for a country to provide a true balance of quality and affordability than to give you a low price. In this respect, Turkey offers very affordable dental treatments that you will be satisfied with.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Where is the Best Place in Europe for Dental Implants?”][bt_bb_text]

If you are uneasy with the high dental treatment fees and sluggish health services in Europe, Turkey will offer the best solution for you with its holiday opportunities.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”How Much Do Dental Veneers Cost in Turkey?”][bt_bb_text]

  • Laminate Veneers cost between  £130-£230 per tooth,
  • Zirconia veneers cost between    £150-£250 per tooth,
  • Emax veneers cost between        £180-£300 per tooth
  • Full mouth veneers cost between (20 teeth Including hotel, breakfast) £5,000-£7000

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”How Do You Get a Treatment Plan and Quote?”][bt_bb_text]

If you want to know how long your dental treatment will take, how much it will cost and what to expect during the treatment process, just contact us. You can reach us by mail, phone or by coming to our office in London. In addition to problems with your teeth, you will be asked questions such as your age, occupation, and interests for evaluation. If you have a detailed mouth picture or an intraoral X-ray picture, this will allow us to make a more precise assessment.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”What Language Do You Speak at the Clinic?”][bt_bb_text]

We are serving as an international clinic, and we welcome patients from all over the world who speak English, German, Russian and Arabic. We can also provide a translator for any language.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”How Will I Get to Antalya, Turkey?”][bt_bb_text]

A number of major cities in Europe and around the world offer direct flights to Antalya, which attracts about 10 million tourists a year. If you cannot find a direct flight during the winter months, you can reach Antalya via Istanbul. The flight takes about 2-3 hours from most European countries and 4 hours from England.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Where Will I Stay?”][bt_bb_text]

If our patients order or if they are within the scope of the treatment package, we take our patients from the airport and place them in a pleasant hotel near our clinic. However, patients can arrange hotel reservations according to their preferences. With Antalya’s picturesque surroundings and excellent holiday opportunities, the hotels offer a great holiday experience.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Can I Bring My Partner or travel with my family?”][bt_bb_text]

Most of our guests are couples and friends who support and accompany each other during their dental treatment. If you will be traveling with a fellow, please let us know so we can book a double room. The additional cost will be added to your treatment package.

[/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_accordion_item][bt_bb_accordion_item title=”Is There a Warranty on Dental Implants?”][bt_bb_text]

We use Straumann dental implants- the global leader of implantology, a Swiss company, for implant treatments and provide a lifetime warranty. To see our warranty conditions, tap “About Us” and then scroll down to the “Our Guarantee”

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